Thursday, April 5, 2007


Well I wrote this one Fan Fiction about Snape today but I don't think I'll post it. In the sixth book of Harry Potter (Half-Blood Prince) Dumbledore freezes Harry, to keep him from doing anything, and Snape kills Dumbledore, while Harry watches the whole thing. Now Harry is distressed and runs after Snape (he is now not under the spell anymore) and starts calling him coward. Well actually he is yelling at him and Snape gets really mad, almost like when someone asks you the same thing over and over again and they don't realize their doing it.

Now this has a lot of history behind it that we don't know about. We know that Snape didn't have the best childhood in the world but we still don't know why he doesn't like being called Coward. I have written a scene of his life that is a bit...weird and I'm not going to share it with you guys so - hahaha. Its my theory on the whole matter. It came to me after (you guessed it) reading Fan Fiction.

Now I'm not saying that I am copying someone but in the story someone again calls Snape a coward and so I started writing his sorry life. But If someone was to call me a coward I would blow them a raspberry and then say "looks who's talking." That would be before I would run away though...

1 comment:

Chantelle said...

Running away doesn't necessarily mean that you're a coward.... it might just mean that you value your own skin more than you value the fight. :)

Auntie Telle