Saturday, April 21, 2007

I'm sorry for the long delay. I was out of town for about two weeks and no where near a computer. But I am now happy to say that I am back on and better then ever (though I was never sick).

I went to these two gigantic book sales and got pretty awesome books. I have this one book that has 50, 000 baby names in it and now I got another one, which -although it has less words- is better if you want to combine names an learn where they came from. Also there is another book that I got that is called The Canadian Oxford Guide of Writing and I am trying to read it but its a textbook for university and is way above my low level.

I'm going to enter a few contests. There is a t-shirt one where you make a t-shirt (over the internet) and then send it it. The contest is called Express Yourself. I'm going to look for a fictional story contest to because I wrote one and am planning to write another story.

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