Sunday, March 25, 2007

Ummm... second post ever?

Well, its me again. I had a dream last night about Harry Potter. Maybe I should stop reading all that fan fiction stories and visiting Mugglenet all the time. It would help don't you think?

I found out that I might be dyslexic; its a learning disability that affects the way you write and read and messing up words. It says in wikipedia:

dyslexics show reduced activity in the left inferior parietal cortex. It is anecdotally claimed that it is not that uncommon for dyslexics who have trained themselves to cope with their affliction to develop uncannily efficient visual memories which aid in reading and comprehending large quantities of information much faster than is typical.

People with Dyslexia usually have average IQ s and get dyslexia genetically or from some kind of brain damage. Since, at least three people in my family have it so there no doubt where I could have gotten it from. This is the test to see if your dyslexic. It has 37 things and if you have at least 9 things you should get tested: Link.

I am also going to try and finish my chapter of Sword's Eyes but I might not. Who knows?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love your blog!