Saturday, March 24, 2007

First Post Ever

Hey everyone it's me, the fabulous Morbid Snape. For those who aren't obsessed with Harry Potter (come on who's isn't?) my last name is the last name of my favorite character; Professor Severus Snape, former Death Eater and really snarly, sarcastic, evil guy. Don't ask why I like him. I have been asking myself that for the last three years. So this is my blog.

My name is also a user name for fan fiction that I write, Piczo account, Neopets (was obsessed with it for about a day) and some other things in the future. I might even publish a half finished book with this secret identity.

My obsession is fan fiction. My other obsession is wikipedia. This is the result:
Fan fiction (also commonly spelled as fanfiction and frequently abbreviated to fanfic or occasionally just FF or fic) is a broadly-defined term for fiction about characters or settings written by fans of the original work, rather than by the original creators.

I have written 8 extremely bad fan fictions on, under a different name so that I don't shame myself by showing people who know me and embarrass me for weeks on end. Not that it would happen, but it is possible, and I hate the infinite what ifs? of today. They give me a stomach ache.

To end on a happier note I have no idea what th point of this muse is or was , but I am on my computer so I am happy. If you want I can give you an equally confusing muse about Snape. The word count would be around.... 50,000.

1 comment:

Chantelle said...

If your writing on fanfiction is anything like your writing here, then I'd say they must be pretty good :)

Auntie Telle